SCG (Thailand) Co. Ltd. is one of the world's biggest valve manufacturers.
It also has other products such as regulators, fittings, etc.
This company was founded in 1987. Around 800 people work in the factory. It's a very modern and automated production system.
They have pi-mark
Products are exported to over 100 countries.
Domestic LPG Cylinder Valve & Equipment
Bayonet Valve
Camping Type
Euro Type
Jumbo Valve
Mini Jumbo Valve
Pol Type
QCC Type
Quick Coupling Valve
Snap Tight Valve
Fork Lift Valve
Liquid Off Take
Multi Valve
Industrial Valve & Equipment
Inert Gas Cylinder Valve
Refrigerant Valve
Toxic & Corrosive Gas Cylinder Valve
LPG Industrial Valve & Equipment
Dual Valve
Multi Valve
Service Valve
LPG Regulators
High Pressure Regulator
Compact Type
Jumbo Type
Pol Type
Low Pressure Regulator
Bayonet Type
Compact Type
Euro Type
Jumbo Type
Mini Jumbo Type
Pol Type