Field 44C Latest Date of Shipment is a conditional field in a letter of credit.
Either field 44C or 44D (Shipment Period) will be present on the LC but not both.
According to MT700 Network Validated Rules
C3 Either field 44C or 44D, but not both, may be present (Error code(s): D06).
But if the transport documents is not required as per LC (Required documents), then, this field may not be present.
Field 44C (Latest date of shipment) specifies the latest date for loading on board, dispatching, or taking in charge.
Transport documents will validate this condition and should not pass the date mentioned in the “Latest date of shipment”.
Transport documents might be –
- Road, Rail or inland water transport documents
- Air transport documents
- Bill of Lading
This Date should be in this format: YYMMDD
Scenario 1:
In the case of a single shipment – there will be single transport documents that should maintain the latest date of shipment.
Scenario 2:
In the case of a partial shipment, there will be several transport documents containing different shipment dates. But all dates should be before the latest date of shipment.
In the case of a regular LC of 90 days validity, after the latest shipment date, there should be a presentation period of 15 days or 21 days.